Monday, April 23, 2012


SO! You know how I said that I wanted to start altering dresses from thrift stores? WELLLL, I DID IT! My friend E and I went to the thrift store and we picked up three dresses and I got to work. Here's the before and after of one of the dresses.

Here's another that I did for Natalie.


Thursday, April 12, 2012


Growing up and getting a big girl job is so of terrifying. I have a part time job at a company called REM. I get to work with mentally handicapped adults. I love the job, I love it so much. The girls are wonderful, they are so much fun to be with, to talk to and I really like how they help me see the world in a different light. I'd love to stay there for the next few years, while I'm in Bemidji and going to school.
Then there's camp. I love camp. I've worked at two different camps the past two summers and I love it. I can see myself staying at camp for a year round position, having that as an amazing job. I'm going back to the same camp this summer, back to NeSoDak in South Dakota. I can't wait.
That joy is what's keeping me from regretting the decision I've made. I'm going to go to camp. I was worried that I was going to make the wrong choice in going back to camp. But I've realized that the fact that I'm so incredibly excited to go back to camp means that I'm making the right choice. Growing up means making the right choice, not the one that always sounds more fun. But the fact that I can't imagine a summer without camp and that I'm so excited to go back to camp says that I made the right choice.